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請問"順便"在英文中的表達法? 英文中是否有固定表示"順便"的詞語或片語? 或是會隨語境不同而有不同的說法??

語境(1)談話時突然想到另一件事為了轉變話題常用"By the way..."中文常譯為「順便一提...」.其實這應該譯為「(喔,)對了...」.但"By the way...是句子間的連接片語,無法用在單句(像『你回家的時候可以順便幫我買包香煙嗎?』).

語境(2) 『你回家的時候可以順便幫我買包香煙嗎?』中的「順便」其實是含有「方便」的意思.用英文說,就是conveniently, (while you are) in it, (do something in addition to what is already doing) without extra effort, incidentally....實際上的片語用詞可以用in passing, at your convenience, take this opportunity...甚至於不用任

例 (a):I mention this point now in passing and shall refer to it again. 這一點現在先順便提一下,以後還會再提到.

例(b):I take this opportunity to report to you about a matter.順便向各位報告一件事.

例(c):On your way home, could you please get a pack of cigarettes for me, at your convenience? 『你回家的時候可以順便幫我買包香煙嗎?』.

例(d):〔甚至不用at your convenience,從語氣上(on your way home)就有「順便」的氣氛〕.I often look in at the bookstore on my way home from work.我下班回家,常(順便)到書店看看.

例(e):When you go to the library, please return this book for me.你去圖書館管的時候,(順便)把我這本書還了吧.〔本句中When...for me就有「順便」的氣氛〕.

例(f):Please take this study material with you to the class.你把這份講義拿到班上去.〔本句中When...with you就有「順便」的氣氛〕.

例(g):When you go shopping, please buy me a pair of small scissors.你去買東西的時候,(順便)替我買一把小剪刀.〔本句中只用When...而不用其他任何詞組,從語氣上來看,就有「順便」的氣氛〕.

例(g):When my cousin came to Taipei on business, he stayed with me for two nights. 我表弟來台北出差時,(順便)來我家住了兩晚.〔本句中只用When...而不用其他任何詞組,從語氣上來看,就有「順便」的氣氛〕.

例(g):When you go to Kingstone Bookstore, please ask when this month's issue of World Movie will be in.你去金石堂書店的時候,請(順便幫我)問一下新的一期「世界電影」雜誌什麼時候到.