NBA 籃球英語第七集

1. He had a big game. My hat's off to him.


big game:在比賽中表現極為出色,例如,得到 50分、20個籃板球、15個助攻、或蓋了10個火鍋…等。

My hat's off to him.:依照一般的西方禮節,進入室內或遇見長者,應脫帽。Off本意指帽子「離開」頭頂,意思是「脫帽」以表示尊敬。hat指一般有帽簷的帽子;像無帽簷的棒球「帽」,稱為 (baseball) cap。與戴 hat 時的禮節相同。小孩子遇到長者沒有行禮時,雖然沒有戴著 cap,父母也可以用 "Where is your cap?" 的話來提醒小孩記得行禮。

2. I came out to help us win and get the monkey off our back.


get the monkey off our back:英文裡有 have his monkey on one's back的成語。猴子爬在背上是件很不舒服的事,因此要設法把猴子趕下來 get the monkey off one's back,意即「除去心頭不快」。英文中還有一句與猴子有關的俚語 "Monkey see, monkey do." 意思是「有樣學樣」,這句話曾在卡通影片 the Simpsons 出現過。此外,monkey business是「惡作劇」、「欺騙」的意思;monkey甚至可以當【不及物動詞】用:monkey around [about]是「玩弄、戲弄」或「胡鬧」的意思。

3. While the legs aren't quite what they were during the glory years, make no mistake: Jordan still has the fire.

雖然 Jordan 一雙老腿已經不復當年輝煌時代,別搞不清楚,他的「火力」仍在。

glory years:輝煌的日子,也可以說 glory days。此處用 glory的【名詞】當形容詞來修飾另一個名詞,也可用【形容詞】glorious來修飾。
make no mistake:別搞錯。是請對方不要有某種想法。請對方不要搞錯說話者自己的意思,說的是 Don't get me wrong.

4. Bradley had a technical called on him in the second quarter for swearing, which prompted Dallas owner Mark Cuban to yell at the officials.

Bradley在比賽第二節中因為說髒話而被裁判吹了一次技巧犯規,激得達拉斯小牛老闆 Mark Cuba向裁判大小聲。

swearing:此處的 swearing是「說髒話」而不是「發誓」的意思。

5. The big difference was the rebounding. Even when they went small, they pounded the boards better than we did.


Even when they went small:small指「身材矮小」;也可以說 When they played small ball。
pounded the boards:此處 pound不是【名詞】「磅」,而是用做【動詞】,是「重擊、猛擊」,也可以指砲火的「猛烈攻擊」。此外,心怦怦地跳,鼓鼕鼕地響,都可以用【動詞】的pound來表達。

6. We don't want to be the doormats of everybody in the league.


doormats:本來是指門口的「擦鞋墊」。西方人從外面回到家裡,習慣上並不換上拖鞋。原本穿著皮鞋時則換上便鞋。做客時,在進門前習慣上要在擦鞋墊擦一下鞋底。此處的 doormats 比喻「當其他各隊的擦鞋墊」。原句中有一個小錯誤:everybody 當然也包括了「We」這一隊,但是「自己」不能做自己的「擦鞋墊」。因此,應該改為 everybody else in the league 或 the rest of the league。

7. Jordan showcased a few vintage moves for a sold-out crowd that gave him a standing ovation before tipoff.


showcased:showcase【名詞】展示櫃(櫥) ,但此處當做【動詞】用,意為「展示(本領)」、「露一手」。
sold-out crowd:sold-out 意思指「門票全部售罄」,等於是說 SRO(Standing Room Only)。
a standing ovation:觀眾站起來鼓掌喝采。請留意要用動詞 give 來搭配這個成語。
tipoff:比賽開始時的跳球。比賽中遇到爭球時的跳球是 jump ball。

8. The Spurs lived up to their billing as the best 3-point shooting team in the league. San Antonio was 14-of-20 from beyond the arc to improve on an already impressive 43.2 season percentage.

聖安東尼馬刺隊號稱全聯盟三分球最準的一隊果然名不虛傳。馬刺隊在比賽中三分球投二十中十四,本來已夠驚人的 43.2% 三分球命中率更得以進一步提昇。

lived up to their billing:bill是「給予…封號[稱號]」,lived up to…是「達到(…的標準)」、「符合(…的名聲)」、「無愧於(…的聲譽)」。
from beyond the arc: arc指「三分線」。還有一種常聽到的說法 from downtown。

9. The Mavericks' longest losing streak last season was three in a row on two occasions.


losing streak:連敗。
in a row:連續地。
two occasions:兩個場合;兩次。

10. Assistant coach Mike Evans, subbing for Issel, got the win in his head coaching debut.

助理教練Mike Evans頂替(丹佛隊教練) Issel,在他首度擔任總教練的比賽獲得勝利。

head coaching:總教練[首席教練]的指揮。

倪無言 主編, 小笨霖 整理 12/18/2001

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