NBA 籃球英語第八集
1. Vince Carter, dubbed "Air Canada" for his Michael Jordan-like leaping ability and acrobatic dunks, has never faced Jordan in a NBA game before.
因具有像 Michael Jordan 般彈跳能力與空中移步的妙技而被取了個「加拿大飛人」的綽號的Vince Carter,從來沒有和
Jordan 交過手。 Air Canada:Michael Jordan的綽號是 Air Jordan,而 Vince Carter 是加拿大恐龍隊的王牌明星球員。Air Canada 就是在比喻 Vince Carter 是加拿大的Michael Jordan。恰好Air Canada也是加拿大最大的航空公司。 acrobatic:像是高空平衡走鋼索、空中飛人、翻筋斗等高難度動作表演的。 |
2. LaFrentz had eight points in the final period, including a pair of 3-pointers that ignited the Nuggets' surge.
LaFrentz在比賽最後一節中得到8分,包括兩記三分球,並發動金塊隊的一輪猛攻。 |
3. The officer stopped him and, based upon evidence that he was drinking, the officer arrested Mr. Francis and took him to central patrol, where he was booked for
警官要 Francis 停車。因為他握有 Francis
飲酒的證據而將 Francis 逮捕,並且將 Francis 留置於巡邏中心記錄他酒醉駕車的事實。 DWI:是 Driving While Intoxicated酒醉駕車的【頭字語】。 |
4. The Raptors played with heavy hearts Dec. 23 after watching assistant coach Stan Albeck suffer a stroke before their game against the Heat.
12月23日晚比賽前,因為恐龍隊助理教練Stan Albeck中風,球員都帶著沉重的心情出戰(邁阿密)熱浪隊。 |
5. Martin was assessed a flagrant foul late in Saturday's loss after delivering a right forearm to the face of Malone as he drove to basket on a fastbreak in the fourth quarter.
Malone 快攻帶球上籃時用右臂給了他一記「拐子」,被裁判吹了一次惡意犯規。 drove to basket:帶球上籃。 |
6. Billups split the defense with 4:13 left in the first quarter to cap a 10-2 run that put Minnesota ahead 25-14.
10 比 2 的攻勢,使明尼蘇達(灰狼隊)以 25 比 14 領先對手。 cap a 10-2 run:cap是「完成」、「結束」之意。 |
7. Two or three weeks ago, we might have crumbled under the pressure. We stayed poised. This team has really progressed in the right direction."
若是在兩、三星期以前,我們可能在壓力下潰不成軍,但是我們保持沉著不亂。顯然我球隊是朝著正確的方向進步。 stayed poised:stay是「維持…的狀態」,後面加上【形容詞】做為【主詞補語】;用法類似的字還有
keep,remain,hold…等。 |
8. With 9 1/2 minutes to play and the Lakers trailing by 12, Bryant turned to a heckler behind the scorer's table and said, "It's a long game. I wouldn't cheer too much if I was you."
比賽剩九分半鐘,湖人還落後 12 分時,Bryant
對坐在記錄台後面的一位喝倒采的觀眾說:比賽結束尚早;如果我換做你,絕不會那樣子過頭地喝采。 heckler:起鬨、喝倒采的人。 I wouldn't cheer too much if I was you.這句話用的是【假設語氣】,說 if I was you其實是錯誤的;正確的說法應該是 if I were you。(老外也會有文法錯誤!!!) |
9. The Lakers reeled off a 15-2 string to take a 17-6 lead seven minutes into the game, but Houston came back to narrow the gap to 21-16 by the end of the opening period.
15 比 2 的攻勢取得 17 比 6 的領先,但是被休士頓(火箭隊)追上,到比賽第一節結束時已把比分拉近到
21 比 16。 narrow the gap:字面是「縮小了縫隙」之意,在籃球英語中就是「把比分拉近」的意思。narrow除了當【形容詞】外也可以當【動詞】用。 |
10. "They are a championship-caliber team," Pierce said. "You can't afford to get down 18 points like we did. If you do, you might as well pack your bags."
18 分的本錢-就像我們一樣。如果哪一隊真的落後18分,那不如捲舖蓋走路吧。 can't afford:付不起…的代價。afford是「付得起…」的意思,但是經常用在【否定句】與【疑問句】中。afford後面可以接實際有價值的【名詞】或具抽象價值的【名詞】;後面接【動詞】時,必須用【不定詞】的型式。 might as well:倒不如…。 |
倪無言 主編, 小笨霖 整理 01/01/2002