NBA 籃球英語第十二集

1. Sacramento led 57-47 at halftime but Jazz fans began the second half energized, briefly whipping up a playoff-style atmosphere that evaporated as the Kings opened with an 8-3 burst in the first three minutes.

Sacramento(國王隊)上半場結束時以 57 比 47 領先爵士隊,但國王隊在下半場剛開始的前三分鐘打出 8 比 3 的攻勢時,爵士隊球迷馬上就勁兒十足,激發出一股季後賽的高昂氣氛。

energized:很有活力的,活力十足的。此字以【動詞】的過去分詞形式出現,當做形容詞用而非當做動詞用,何況本句主詞 Jazz fans 已有動詞 began 了。… began … energized 這樣的句型是用來描述…開始…時的狀態(爵士隊球迷在下半場開始時活力十足)。

whipping up:激發(某種情緒或狀況),激起(某種情緒或狀況)。whip 當做【名詞】是「馬鞭」之意,當做【動詞】是用馬鞭「鞭打」或「鞭策」之意。

playoff-style atmosphere:季後賽時因競爭激烈,球迷的情緒往往高昂激動。

2. It was Artest's work at both ends that paid dividends for Chicago after the Bulls had all but erased a 10-point deficit in the fourth.

Artest's 無論進攻防守都有發揮,使得芝加哥公牛隊在比賽第四節幾乎扳回 10 分的差距。

at both ends:球場的一端 (end) 是前場進攻,另端是後場防守。
paid dividends:有助益。原意是「發給紅利」。
all but:幾乎。

3. That means their circadian rhythms are probably putting them in a deeper sleep at 4 in the morning, which means they may have gotten a few moments of REM sleep," Jackson added.

(湖人隊教練) Jackson 補充道: (班機在深夜抵達目的地)使得球員的生理節奏在清晨 4 點才能深睡。換句話說,他們真正無意識地睡眠只有很短暫的一段時間。

circadian rhythms:人得生理節奏使人白天做事晚上睡覺按時肚子餓想吃飯,所以說人的身體像一個生理時鐘biological clock。circadian:(尤指身體的變化)大約以24小時為週期的。

REM:是 rapid eye movement,是指人在熟睡時,腦也在休息,此時眼睛雖閉著仍在迅速、無意識地轉動著。

added:補充地說。雖然表面上add無「說」的意思,但此字為一個【引述動詞 report verb】(就像say一樣),後面可以接【直接引句 direct speech】。

4. The Suns, lacking cohesion at the end of a three-game road trip, negated their superior speed with poor shooting in a second quarter in which they made just 5 of 17 shots.

太陽隊在連續三場客場的最後一場比賽有如一盤散沙,在第二節比賽投 17 進 5 的低命中率抵消了他們速度快的優勢。


5. "We had a good defensive stand in the fourth quarter, which made up for the fact that we were on our heels for much of the night," Los Angeles coach Phil Jackson said. "They went cold at the appropriate time."


defensive stand:防守陣勢;防禦線;防禦架構。
made up:補足;彌補…的缺陷。
went cold:手風不順,屢投不中。

6. Kidd recorded his league-best fourth triple-double with 21 points, 13 assists and 10 rebounds and the Nets embarrassed Milwaukee at the start and the finish in defeating the Bucks 125-100 Thursday night in a matchup of the top two teams in the East.

Kidd得到 21分,13次助功,及10 個籃板球。他四度「大三元」的表現,在今年在 NBA 聯盟中無人能出其右。在星期四晚間東區聯盟的前兩名球隊的對決中,籃網隊從頭到尾讓密爾瓦基雄鹿隊表現甚為難堪。

triple-double:「大三元」,通指得分、助攻、及籃板球都有兩位數字以上 (超過10) 的成績。過去也有球員的「大三元」是在得分、助攻、及阻攻三項或得分、助攻、及抄截三項有兩位數字以上的成績。
at the start and the finish:從比賽開始到比賽結束,從頭到尾。

7. Jackson blasted the team afterward in a profanity-laced outburst, telling reporters "This is a stupid-(expletive) organization. They're a bunch of (double-expletive)."

Jackson 在爆怒中口不擇言痛斥(金山勇士隊),對記者說:這是個(髒字)混蛋球隊,這些人真是一群(極為不堪入耳的髒字)。

bunch of:一群。


8. Rose got his first technical for taunting Hamilton after a dunk in the final seconds of the third quarter. Then Rose and Jordan got double technicals as they jawed while running down the court after their elbow-shoulder battle.

Rose 在第三節比賽最後幾秒灌籃後,向 Hamilton 擺威風,因而被吹第一次的技術犯規。後來他和 Jordan 互以肘、肩推擠,又在場上互相鬥嘴,雙雙被吹技術犯規。

jawed:鬥嘴。jaw 當做【名詞】是「下顎」,當做【動詞】時是「動下顎」,也就是說話,不過,特別是指爭吵。

9. Robinson entered the game averaging 11 points and eight rebounds as age and nagging injuries have taken their toll.

歲月及惱人不斷的運動傷害使人漸走下坡,Robinson 到本場比賽前每場平均只得 11 分及 8 個籃板球。

taken their toll:使人漸漸衰老或走下坡。傳說中,人類欠死神錢,因此必須漸漸還給死神,也就是死神逐年收取「生命費」。toll 是應付的費用,多指高速公路上所收的費用或打常途電話應付的費用。「免費電話」的電話號碼是 toll-free number,「打免費電話」則是 toll-free。

10. Fans were infuriated when Vlade Divac tangled with Joe Smith on a loose ball and flipped him over, drawing a flagrant foul with 6:19 left and firing up Smith.

比賽尚餘 6 分 19 秒時,Vlade Divac 和 Joe Smith 扭成一團,並把 Joe Smith 摔翻出去,因而被吹一記技術犯規。此舉令球迷們大為震怒,並激起 Joe Smith 的火氣。

were infuriated:激怒。此字常使用【被動語態】。它的【名詞】是fury,【形容詞】是furious。

flipped him over:翻轉過去。
firing up:激起怒氣;激起某種動機;激起某種強烈的意志。是【及物動詞】,後面以「人」為受詞。

倪無言 主編, 小笨霖 整理 02/17/2002

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